Welcome to MC Livestock
WE ARE A 150-COW PUREBRED ANGUS seedstock operation located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, the heart of Virginia’s cow country. We offer breed-leading Angus genetics to commercial bull customers, as well as purebred producers.
MC LIVESTOCK WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2000 by owners Tom and Sarah McCall. Tom and Sarah are both graduates of the College of Agriculture at Virginia Tech. Sarah is also a graduate of the VA MD Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. After working in the seedstock industry for other producers for 10 years the MC Livestock home farm was purchased in Greenville, VA where we decided to plant our roots and start our own program.
OUR PROGRAM: Our vision is to have a balanced approach between performance, phenotype and end product merit. We feel it is important not to select for one or two traits but to have a balanced approach. Fleshing ability, structural soundness, especially good feet and legs, and maternal traits are essential. AI and embryo transfer, DNA testing and carcass ultrasound are all utilized to advance our program.
WE CURRENTLY SELL approximately 50 bulls and 20 females each year in our bi-annual production sales held the 1st Saturday in April and November.

OUR DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONS INVOLVE THREE GENERATIONS. We have two sons, Jake and Zach, who are an essential part of what takes place on the farm. It is through their hard work and dedication that the cow herd has grown to what it is today. Tom’s parents, Hank and Jane McCall, are also an integral part of the M C Livestock program. Hank is the “cow whisperer” and maintains the recipient herd at his Woodstock location. He is always available to lend a helping hand and is the head mechanic. Tom’s mom, Jane, is always on hand on sale day to prepare and serve food. Her chili and BBQ keep the bull customers coming back! Tom stays active in the AI Industry marketing semen for Genex,providing genetic consulting and helping producers with breeding and synchronization programs. Sarah is our PR/marketing department as well as a veterinarian.
4-H/FFA/NJAS: We are strong supporters of 4-H, FFA and the National Junior Angus Association. Jake and Zach were very active in all three organizations. We believe there is no better way to raise children than to have them involved in organizations like these.
OUR MISSION: To produce quality bulls and females with balanced EPDs, structural soundness and excellent phenotype, always keeping our customers profit in mind!
Thank you for visiting
We welcome your inquiries, and Visitors are always welcome at the farm! Contact Us to request to be added to our mailing list and to keep up to date with the latest news from MC Livestock! We look forward to hearing from you!